“I’ve been a professional actor since I was a kid. I work in film and television as an on camera and voiceover actor and find that I still really love it.
I know that being a good actor, whether on camera or voice over, requires, hard work. One must have discipline, patience, focus, curiosity and the courage to get to the real feelings and life experiences that one has to draw from. An actor must take direction as well as bring their own creativity to whatever the character and script asks of them.
When you see someone make it look easy and their work moves you deeply, you can be certain that they put hours, many hours of work into it. Usually, it’s heart, soul, and tears hours.
Finding and using your authentic self within the authors’ character, using that characters words, requires great skill and oh, yes, talent! I’m still learning and hope to be until my last breath.”
Recently I worked on Cable TV POSE, new film “The Third Night” and Murphy Brown.
Musical theatre is where Jane used her acting, singing and dancing skills receiving great reviews for her 3 year run in her Off-Broadway debut “Curley McDimple”, a parody of the Shirley Temple movies. Jane played the comedic, character role of the mean Miss Hamilton, (a montage of the many roles played by the great character actress, Margaret Hamilton). An added bonus was the delight of working with the legendary Butterfly McQueen. As a result of Jane’s fond memories of her experience working with Ms. McQueen, she was invited to contribute to Stephen Bourne’s book, “Butterfly McQueen Remembered”. Another thrill was Ms. Margaret Hamilton giving Jane’s portrayal of her, her blessing.
Continuing acting, Jane shared the stage with Richard Gere, Jessica Harper and the late Vicki Sue Robinson (Turn The Beat Around) in “A Long Time Comin’ A Long Time Gone” written by Richard Farina. Jane’s portrayal of Joan Baez (Richard Farina’s sister- in-law) was another dramatic and musical success for her.